Alternative Deal Structures: Leveraging Advanced Pricing Analytics

Alternative Deal Structures: Leveraging Advanced Pricing Analytics

In today’s hyper-competitive automotive lending market, consumers have a wide variety of vehicle choices, shopping venues, and financing options. Alternative deal structures (ADS) have become a must-have way for lenders to keep potential borrowers from walking away, whether those consumers are buying in person or online.

Playbook: Best Practices for Risk-Based Pricing in Auto Lending

This playbook describes the challenges caused by existing, “status quo” pricing models while also highlighting how a new analytics-driven approach to risk-based pricing using machine learning can help auto lenders achieve their most critical goals.

Bericht über die Branchentrends 2022: Modernisierung des Versicherungsbetriebs

Earnix hat sich kürzlich mit der Market Strategy Group LLC zusammengetan, um eine Forschungsumfrage durchzuführen, um zu verstehen, wo die Versicherungsunternehmen bei ihren Bemühungen um die Modernisierung ihrer Betriebe stehen. Wir befragten fast 300 Führungskräfte aus dem Versicherungswesen, um ihre Sichtweise zu verschiedenen Modernisierungsstrategien zu ermitteln. Sehen Sie sich den Bericht hier an, um zu sehen, wie Sie im Vergleich dastehen. 
Build vs. Buy: The Earnix Road to Reimagining Insurance

Build vs. Buy: The Earnix Road to Reimagining Insurance

Insurance carriers today must become more flexible and agile to keep pace in a rapidly changing world. In this brochure, we discuss the main challenges that insurers are facing in their pricing and rating operations and the answer for implementing pricing and rating strategies at the speed of the market.
How FCA Pricing Reform is Reshaping the General Insurance Market

How FCA Pricing Reform is Reshaping the General Insurance Market

It’s been nearly a year since the FCA’s Pricing Reform went into effect. Yet many insurers still have questions related to its requirements, especially when it comes to developing the right pricing and rating strategies to comply and compete.

Innovative Approaches to Pricing in Auto Lending

Banks, credit unions, and automotive captive finance companies—any organization providing auto lending—stand to gain a lot from new, smarter pricing strategies and approaches. By improving pricing approaches with modern technology, these organizations can grow their customer bases, improve overall profitability, and deploy highly tailored, personalized offers that create meaningful customer experiences.

Leveraging Intelligent InsurOps to Relieve Upward Pressure on Premiums

The impact on claims from diverse forces as inflation, rising interest rates, altered driving patterns, cyber threats, and extreme weather events, to name just a few, create scenarios with upward pressure on premiums and highly uncertain outcomes.

Seizing Opportunities in Digital Automotive Finance

Seizing Opportunities in Digital Automotive Finance

With shrinking profit margins, auto manufacturers and lenders are embracing complementary products and services as never before. This has forced their thinking to evolve away from closed, legacy technology architectures and standalone software applications to a strategy that accommodates flexible connections with those partners.