Displaying "Automation" articles (7)

Pricing Automation Helps LINK4 Boost Speed and Business Success

Pricing Automation Helps LINK4 Boost Speed and Business Success

“We were looking for a much more modern pricing and rating platform. Our past approach used an on-premise mainframe-based system that simply wasn’t as reactive as we needed. It took too long to create new pricing models, make changes, and respond to real-time opportunities in the market.”

BavariaDirekt Achieves Faster, Smarter, More Personalized Insurance with Earnix

BavariaDirekt were spending too much time and effort managing the many steps required to update pricing models and deploy them in online channels. That’s why they opted for Earnix’s modern, end-to-end pricing platform to help them overcome such challenges.

Complete Automation Leads to Price Modelling Success for BGL Group

BGL Group is always looking for innovative, advanced solutions to deliver the best product offerings, service and value to its customers. To this end, BGL employed Earnix’s advanced pricing solution for meeting the needs of internal users and making the company more competitive.

Hollard Builds Foundation for Future Success Using Earnix

Hollard Builds Foundation for Future Success Using Earnix

Hollard was looking for a solution that would allow them to deploy rates and prices faster than before and have the flexibility to easily respond to ever-changing market conditions and customer needs. As a single, modern comprehensive rating and pricing solution that could consolidate Hollard’s 7 different rating engines, Earnix proved itself to be the answer.

D&G Improves Pricing with Analytics & Machine Learning

D&G Improves Pricing with Analytics & Machine Learning

See how Earnix enabled D&G to price 40X more plans per month, and create highly personalized offerings based on real-time market changes.

Warta: 29% Market Growth with Earnix's end-to-end Analytics

Warta, one of Poland’s largest insurance companies, has achieved with Earnix seamless end-to-end pricing, outstanding control over their pricing process while being able to deploy prices within hours. Read on for more.

Warta: 29% Marktwachstum mit der End-to-End-Analytik von Earnix

Warta, eine der größten polnischen Versicherungsgesellschaften, hat mit Earnix eine nahtlose End-to-End Preisgestaltung erreicht, eine hervorragende Kontrolle über ihren Preisgestaltungsprozess und ist gleichzeitig in der Lage, Preise innerhalb von Stunden zu erstellen. Lesen Sie weiter für mehr.