Displaying "Banking" articles (49)
Underwrite-It for Lending: AI-Enabled Credit Risk Decisioning Automation
Discover the most common use cases for deploying Earnix Underwrite-It for Lending, including credit automation, analytics enchainment for credit risk decisioning, and cost reduction and productivity improvements.
Earnix Lending Plus: Integrated AI-Driven Pricing Analytics and Credit Risk Decisioning Platform
Earnix Lending Plus combines advanced pricing analytics, price optimization, and simulation capabilities with automated credit risk decisioning in a single solution. With Earnix Lending Plus, lenders avoid lengthy and costly software implementation cycles while getting a tight grip on the entire pricing and credit decisioning process.
Pricing Strategies in Consumer and Auto Lending
This eBook presents a summary of our findings and recommendations for using AI to optimize pricing models, target lower-risk borrowers, automate credit risk decisioning, and maintain profitability amidst challenging market conditions.
Unlocking the Benefits of AI-Powered Pricing Analytics in Consumer and Auto Lending
Many banks involved in consumer lending turn to AI-powered pricing analytics and digital decisioning to support their long-term growth strategies. Loan profitability uplift, faster time to market, more accurate forecasting, and improved productivity are game-changers for lenders big and small.
Scenario Simulation and Price Optimization for Consumer Lending
Learn the ins and outs of “what-if” scenario simulation, optimization, and pricing strategies’ comparison and how these tools help eliminate the use of manual spreadsheet analysis and improve your daily tasks, and help you reach your goals.
Personal Lending: The Fundamentals of Digital Loan Personalisation
After a rapid growth in interest rates for personal loans in 2023 despite a lagging increase in deposit rates, UK banks will face mounting margin pressures in 2024. On top of tighter margins, lenders will have to navigate a complex matrix of intensifying regulatory initiatives such as the Consumer Duty Act.
Four Critical Pricing Use Cases for Auto Lenders
Auto lenders around the world continue to face real pressure to remain profitable. This means developing and deploying more intelligent pricing strategies that can successfully reduce risk, increase profitability, and help auto lenders gain and maintain market share.
Pricing Analytics for Auto Lenders: Four Critical Use Cases
While there are multiple applications of AI-powered pricing analytics solutions in the auto lending industry, this eBook showcases some of the most common use cases that helped Earnix customers create cutting-edge, competitive pricing strategies and meet their spread targets and KPIs.