Displaying "Transformation" articles (7)
Rapport 2024 sur les tendances du secteur de l’assurance
Après des années d’incertitude, de nombreux assureurs sont prêts à franchir les étapes suivantes pour mettre en œuvre des stratégies plus efficaces afin de développer leur activité et garder une longueur d’avance sur la concurrence. Comment 431 responsables mondiaux de l’assurance se positionnent-ils face aux dernières tendances qui façonnent le secteur ?
Insurers Can Avoid Cyber Attacks Amid Increased Cybersecurity Concerns
As insurers embrace new digital channels, avoiding ransomware, data breaches, and other cyberattacks is their top priority. Survey results from the Earnix 2023 Industry Trends report: Insurance Operations in a Changing Industry and additional statistics provide even more insights.
Innovation Roadmap for the Insurance Industry
Earnix’s Model Accelerator overcomes software constraints by allowing Data Scientists to choose their preferred tools for modeling. Now, any machine learning model can be imported seamlessly into Earnix for underwriting, pricing and rating.
Modernizing & Upgrading Insurance Underwriting
With new technology and the assistance of a reliable and knowledgeable partner, insurers can move rapidly to generate improved business results. Now is the time to move forward with modernizing and upgrading underwriting in insurance.
Winning in a Changing Insurance Landscape with Agile Operations
If insurers want to be able to keep up with changing customer expectations and shifting market conditions, one thing is certain: they need to be a lot faster.
10 Insurance Technology Trends Reshaping the Industry
A number of high-impact business trends are shaping and reshaping the insurance industry as we speak. Capgemini’s Executive Vice President, Seth Rachlin, Ph.D., shares his thoughts on why companies need to “prepare for the world as it is today, and not as it used to be.”