Displaying "IT" articles (15)
Combined Decisioning: The Future of Insurance
Earnix's "combined decisioning" integrates underwriting and pricing processes, streamlining decision-making and addressing inefficiencies caused by scattered systems. This approach enhances operational efficiency and competitiveness by enabling simultaneous risk assessment and pricing strategies.
Underwrite-It for Lending: AI-Enabled Credit Risk Decisioning Automation
Discover the most common use cases for deploying Earnix Underwrite-It for Lending, including credit automation, analytics enchainment for credit risk decisioning, and cost reduction and productivity improvements.
Transformieren Sie die Underwriting-Funktion Ihres Unternehmens mit Underwrite-It
Um echte agilität zu erlangen und ihre KPIs zu erreichen, müssen die versicherer das underwriting umgestalten und es vollständig in das pricing und rating integrieren.
The Modern Approach to Embedded Insurance
Insurers have been offering embedded insurance for nearly a century. While embedded insurance is an established concept, technology is now available that vastly increases choice for consumers and allows them to receive truly personalized offers.
Transform Underwriting to Improve Agility and Profitability
As insurers navigate a rapidly changing macro environment and evolving customer expectations, the need to reimagine insurance has become more urgent than ever. One area that requires particular attention is underwriting, which is often less visible to customers than other functions in the insurance value chain. However, upgrading underwriting can have a significant impact on capturing new business and driving profitability.
Four Insurance Considerations to Stay Ahead in 2023
Insurers face new trends, industry complications, and technology changes. In this eBook, we examine four of these new developments and show how they can present a real opportunity for insurance carriers who can quickly react and take advantage of all they have to offer.
Leveraging Intelligent InsurOps to Relieve Upward Pressure on Premiums
The impact on claims from diverse forces as inflation, rising interest rates, altered driving patterns, cyber threats, and extreme weather events, to name just a few, create scenarios with upward pressure on premiums and highly uncertain outcomes.
Seizing Opportunities in Digital Automotive Finance
With shrinking profit margins, auto manufacturers and lenders are embracing complementary products and services as never before. This has forced their thinking to evolve away from closed, legacy technology architectures and standalone software applications to a strategy that accommodates flexible connections with those partners.
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