Time Lapse Photography of People Walking on Pedestrian Lane

How Banks can Thrive in a Post-Corona Era

We talk to Dan Bolland, Associate Partner, Sia Partners, about the dramatic changes in risk/reward classification and how organizations can move ahead without valid historic behavioral models.

Shockproof Mortgage Pricing in the New Normal

Tomorrow’s banks must have the ability, powered by automated processes, to quickly adapt to changes. Mortgages, as one of the most significant lines of business, are no exception.

Fully Automated Insurance Pricing Process Webinar

The insurance industry has invested millions of man-hours refining the underwriting, claims, and customer service processes. But what about the pricing process? What percent of the pricing process can we automate?
Understanding the Chaos Through Analytics - Webinar

Understanding the Chaos Through Analytics - Webinar

We will walk you through the structure of an organization-wide agile analytics machine – along with some practical applications during and beyond the corona fallout.
Die “Grand Tour” zum dynamischen Pricing

Die “Grand Tour” zum dynamischen Pricing

McKinsey führt aus, dass “jede Versicherung das Potential hat, seine Pricing Strategien und Möglichkeiten signifikant zu verbessern. Der Schlüssel dafür ise die Wahl des entsprechenden Pricing Transformationsansatz.“

Prämienoptimierung in der Rechtsschutzversicherung

Erfahren Sie in diesem Webinar von den Spezialisten von EY und Earnix, vor welchen Herausforderungen Rechtsschutzversicherungen in der Tarifierung stehen und wie innovative Softwarelösungen Sie dabei unterstützen, Ihre Prämien zu optimieren.
Fully Automating the Ratemaking Process - Webinar

Fully Automating the Ratemaking Process - Webinar

The insurance industry has been heavily investing in process innovations – straight through underwriting, image capture claims, customer service chatbots. But what about the process of ratemaking; what is our next innovation? What if we could full automate the pricing process?