Alternative Deal Structures: Leveraging Advanced Pricing Analytics
- Pricing
- Analytics

In today’s hyper-competitive automotive lending market, consumers have a wide variety of vehicle choices, shopping venues, and financing options. Alternative deal structures (ADS) have become a must-have way for lenders to keep potential borrowers from walking away, whether those consumers are buying in person or online.
Our eBook dives deep into the market forces driving the need for automotive lenders to adopt ADS, the potential payoffs from this mode of financing, and the technology path that will help lenders maximize the effectiveness of ADS today and into the future.
Here are some of the key takeaways you can gain from our eBook:
Gain a comprehensive understanding of alternative deal structures and the benefits they offer
Learn about the challenges of legacy systems and the technological requirements for next-generation lending solutions
Discover how a tier-1 US retail bank was able to reduce unprofitable loans by 65%