Displaying "Pricing" articles (6)
Understanding New Dynamics and New Opportunities in the Insurance Market
In this second video with Nick McCowan, Head of General Insurance, Post Office, he discusses his view of the future of the insurance market, especially how digital insurance can play a role and where he sees new opportunities.
5 Solutions to Overcome Legacy Challenges
When attempting to increase speed to market, insurers typically face a wide array of challenges, such as outdated technology, siloed systems, manual processes, a lack of ownership and collaboration, and real data limitations. This video explores 5 challenges and solutions that address the impact of legacy insurance technologies.
Earnix for Banks: Streamline Digital Transformation
Earnix is the optimal solution for a new generation of risk-based pricing, through its single, comprehensive, enterprise-wide pricing platform.
Earnix Company Advert - 2020
Earnix enables insurers and banks to drive business growth and deliver greater value, through a single end-to-end rating and pricing platform.
Earnix for Insurance
Earnix's end-to-end pricing and rating platform enables insurers to move quickly with the market, deliver a more personalized experience to customers and accelerate value creation.
Earnix Customer Testimonials & Reviews
Customers like Suncorp, Toyota Financial Services, Domestic and General, BGL and Eurobank share why they choose to partner with Earnix.