Earnix Excelerate > IT

Rapid Implementation Best Practices: 5 Customer Tips to Getting Quick Value from Earnix Products

  • IT

“You must engage business enablers as early as possible and turn them into active partners:  
IT, the data team, legal, procurement, InfoSec/CISO, the CDO.”  

Osnat Yanushevsky Yacoby, Earnix's Vice President of Operations, lays out “3 E’s” that guide the Earnix implementation Journey to Value

  •  Striving for Implementation Ease 

  • Keeping an Effective Focus 

  • Making End Users Self-Sufficient 

Osnat brings her more than 25 years’ experience in implementing software for Tier One enterprise organizations ranging from the US, to Singapore, Sri Lanka, India, and Israel to helping her team deliver that value, and to realizing it faster for Earnix clients.  

Among the key tips to getting quick value are gaining the commitment from a committed executive owner, agreeing on what constitutes success, and building a team that’s willing to challenge the status quo.  

We’re not going to give away the other two tips right now. To hear about them, and to get the details on all five, view the full video of Osnat’s presentation.

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