Earnix Eˣcelerate 2022
Earnix Excelerate > Earnix Excelerate 2022

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Des participants du monde entier se sont réunis au sommet Earnix Eˣcelerate 2022 pour « Réinventer l’assurance ». Accédez à des sessions pertinentes et éclairantes animées par des leaders du secteur de l’assurance.
Achieving Growth & Profitability: How to Extend Insurance Products and Move to a Pure Digital and Data Driven Approach
Marcel Kluge is the Head of Product Management at BavariaDirekt Insurance. Together with his Actuaries and Product Managers, he is responsible for innovating and creating products that customers want, in a profitable way for the company. This triumvirate is constantly working to expand the BavariaDirekt product portfolio, and relies heavily on Earnix as its all-in-one solution for meeting their objectives.
Putting the Power of AI in the Hands of Business Professionals
Business leaders in the insurance industry are faced with two challenges in optimizing revenue and profitability in the digital age: the demands from customers and prospects for more personalization; and, the massive amounts of data available and required to make that work.
Recommendations to Drive Insurers’ Future Success
"Insurance carriers that continue to focus on what they used to do will miss the opportunity to successfully grow their brand in the future. They need to pragmatically look at what they need to do to respond to the market if they want to be successful.” Watch this interview to hear Brad Middleton, Director of Pricing and Rating at Deloitte Canada, describe his view of the insurance industry today.
What Does It Take to Replace a Rating Engine?
Few pieces of insurance technology are more operationally critical, more embedded in everyday workflows, or “stickier” than a rating engine. The rating engine drives pricing, customer acquisition, customer retention, revenue, and profitability, making it the “beating heart” of the organization.
Telematics for Pricing
In this insightful presentation, Constantina Panayidou, Head of Actuarial Non-Life Pricing for Ergo Hellas, recounts how a strategic initiative to enhance pricing sophistication within her organization, including a successful Earnix implementation, led to a pricing revamp of the Ergo Motor Line of Business.
A Glimpse at New Innovations
“Pricing and rating solutions now give insurers the ability to transform how pricing is delivered while also building transparency and confidence in those models and continuously innovate in the future.” Watch this interview with Jack Whalley, Director of Insurance Strategy and Operations Transformation at Deloitte, as he offers his insights about the insurance industry.