Earnix Eˣcelerate 2022

Earnix Excelerate > Earnix Excelerate 2022

Earnix Innovation: Proactive Monitoring – Actual vs Predicted

Proactive monitoring, a key to becoming more intelligent and dynamic in the highly-competitive insurance world, is gaining in importance. Yet, less than 10% of insurers currently engage in continuous/real-time monitoring.

Earnix Excelerate

Earnix Innovation: Embedding Telematics to Superpower Pricing and Personalization

Telematics has powered usage-based insurance (UBI) since the mid-1990’s in some geographies. All-encompassing and highly-connected vehicle telematics is now ready to superpower pricing and personalization to make even more enticing offers to prospects and customers.

Earnix Excelerate

Disruption & Pricing

The UK is a prime example of an insurance market experiencing massive disruption, driven in no small part by the Fair Pricing regime put in place by the Financial Control Authority, effective 1 January 2022. In this session, Justin Clarke brings deep and valuable insights from over 23 years of insurance experience.

Earnix Excelerate

Earnix Innovation: Driving Insurance Add-on Sales via Product Personalization

With his experience in making these projects work, Eyal Levi, Head of Professional Services, EMEA & International for Earnix, imparts his wisdom around critical areas such as using personalization as the “glue” to make the customer experience (CX) more compelling. His proof point is a case study of one home insurer who increased the average number of add-ons per policy by 70%, with an increase in margin of 15%.

Earnix Excelerate

Rapid Implementation Best Practices: 5 Customer Tips to Getting Quick Value from Earnix Products

Osnat lays out “3 E’s” that guide the Earnix implementation Journey to Value. Among the key tips to getting quick value are gaining the commitment from a committed executive owner, agreeing on what constitutes success, and building a team that’s willing to challenge the status quo.

Earnix Excelerate

Marginal Gains and Data Analysis - Keynote

Marc Priestley is McLaren F1's former Number One Mechanic. Drawing on his experiences with the World Championship-winning pit crew, he provides valuable insights for insurers on the power of teamwork, strategic planning, attention to detail, and constant communication.

Earnix Excelerate

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