A How-To Guide for Lenders Looking to Implement Pricing Optimization and Personalization
The auto finance market has been changing so fast lately that playing by the same rules is no longer an option for auto lenders. Manual revisions of pricing tables with lengthy deployment cycles and reliance on spreadsheets for the right price calculation will not propel you to success. Manual re-hashing of finance offers will leave you behind your competitors.
If you are considering a move to a modern, data-driven auto finance pricing operation to match the expectations of a digital consumer and the realities of today’s economy, you need to know where and how to start without getting overwhelmed.
This webinar will outline the most immediate steps and resources needed to implement a pricing optimization and personalization solution. We will show you how to identify opportunities for quick wins, while keeping the long-term strategy in mind.
Join this webinar and learn the 4 critical components of an Agile Pricing Operation Blueprint.