Earnix Excelerate > Transformation

Insurance Architectural Philosophy: Incorporating Cool Things While Making the Boring Work

  • Transformation

"I think Earnix is one of the few [insurance technology providers] that have really grown to platform and horizontal thinking, and frankly, they're run by insurance folks who really know the insurance industry."

Like many things in life, when it comes to technology in the insurance industry, we crave the excitement of the new, the cool, and the innovative, while needing to balance and maintain a semblance of order based on the proven, and operationally sound.  

With new technology arriving daily and begging for your attention, how do you incorporate it while continuing to give core systems their due? 

Robert Pick, EVP and CIO of TMNA Services, has been down this road many times. And he knows it’s not an either/or situation, that we must do both. He lays out some key principles to make the balancing act work: 

  • Never do anything without a Proof of Concept (PoC). 

  • Deal with the data implications up front. 

  • Organizationally, build coalitions. 

  • Upskill resources in advance of adopting new solutions. 


Hear all of Robert’s very useful observations and learn how to find that technology balance within your own organization. 

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