Earnix Excelerate > IT

The Challenges of Introducing Underwrite-It and the Added Value

  • IT
  • Underwriting

The session focuses on the key challenges of replacing old rules in the existing IT system and lessons learned from BavariaDirekt’s implementation of Earnix Underwrite-It, including ease of use, clear and actionable insights, and the fact that the implementation was on time.

Marcel Kluge, Head of Product Management at BavariaDirekt, discusses the use of Underwrite-It—in addition to Price-It—for BavariaDirekt.

He also describes the company’s plans and next steps for incorporating Underwrite-It into additional lines of business such as liability insurance and car insurance. Ultimately, the plan is to have all product lines using the combination of Price-It and Underwrite in the short-term future.

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