Using Pricing Analytics to Increase Loan Profitability and Mitigate Portfolio Risk
- AI
- Analytics
- Pricing

As we enter the second half of 2023, we continue to witness strong demand for auto loans accompanied by escalating attention from numerous disruptors and increased competition.
Meanwhile, interest rate hikes, increasing cost of funds, a shrinking market of subprime borrowers and an emerging wave of delinquencies are leading auto lenders to focus more on bottom-line profitability and the overall health of their loan portfolios.
What strategies and tools can help lenders maintain their competitive position while focusing on the bottom line?
Earnix – a global leader in pricing analytics and digital decisioning – invites you to join our webinar to discuss the role of AI-backed analytics in increasing profitability of auto loans and mitigating risk.
Webinar attendees will learn how to:
Find the sweet spot for auto loan pricing in a constantly changing market
Use pricing to control portfolio risk profile
Maintain the balance between volume, profitability, and competitiveness
Utilize real-time pricing to drive revenue