Consumer Loan Personalization: Why Now

  • Personalization
  • Transformation

Lenders wanting to maintain their competitive advantage need to be looking for ways to stand out in a crowded marketplace. So then, how do you cut through the noise to reach those buyers trying to find the loan that’s just right for them? The answer - loan personalization -  and it’s exactly why personalization has been gaining popularity in the past several years across all consumer lending lines including unsecured personal loans, auto, and mortgage.

At Earnix, we have direct insight into how personalized loans are changing the way banks market their products.  But what does loan personalization entail? What’s the urgency behind using this approach? And lastly, is this just a buzzword or a must-have?

Join this live webinar to hear banking and AI experts from Earnix share their experiences with loan personalization solutions and the advantages of using these approaches in your financial institutions.

We’ll explore the fundamentals of digital loan personalization and the tools needed to support them while focusing on these topics:

  • Personalization and digital delivery of loan offers;

  • Generating and presenting alternatives via Alternative Deal Structures (ADS);

  • AI-powered decisioning capabilities and alternative data use;

  • Loan personalization effects on customer acquisition, customer lifetime value, operational costs, and risk exposure.

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